Comment se mettre en valeur dans son CV ?

Bonjour, ! J'ai l'impression que mon problème quand je postule à un poste c'est que je ne me mets pas assez en valeur. Comment y remédier ?
3 Réponses
L'important dans le CV : mettre en évidence ton cursus et tes expériences. Ne pas mentir, être précis et faire en sorte que le recruteur remarque les atouts qui font de toi la meilleure candidate au poste.

You seem to struggle with showing your bright side. You are doubting your skills and what can you do. You are telling yourself that you are not eligible for the job. This is what stops you from showing what you know. You should start making yourself proud of small things like getting an interview call. If you are still struggling then try hiring a CV editing service Dubai from an authentic agency.

You seem to struggle with showing your bright side. You are doubting your skills and what can you do. You are telling yourself that you are not eligible for the job. This is what stops you from showing what you know. You should start making yourself proud of small things like getting an interview call. If you are still struggling then try hiring a CV editing service Dubai from an authentic agency.

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