I have a VLSTS. How can I report my address change?
Hello. I'm staying in Aix-en-Provence. I arrived here 7 months ago and I have VLSTS ( I'm working at ITER. ) I moved my apartment in the same Aix-en-Provence at 1st Jan 2014. I heard I should report my address change to sous-prefecture. Would you teach me what should I do? Should I make an appointment before visit sous-prefecture? Please do me your favor.
- Rubrique : déménagement
- Réponse : 1
- Geye73
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1 Réponse
Hello, I think you do not understand French very well J…so, these are some advices I could give you. First, you should come to the sous-préfecture services (Aix-en Provence) and tell them about your address change. In some case, it is also possible to do this report at the “mairie”. It also seems that it is possible to perform these steps by mail but for that, you have to check with your sous-prefecture. According to my information, this change is immediate and free at the office but it will take you about 15 days by mail. And in the case you do not know, the services at the “sous-préfecture” are open from 8:30 a.m to 12:15 a.m on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It is closed to the public on Wednesday. I hope I could help you. Have a nice day!