Kim Ha-sung, 2 hits, 1 RBI, and 1 walk against Miami
Kim Ha-sung San Diego Padres hit two hits in a game for the first time in a long time.
Kim Ha-sung started as the eighth batter shortstop in the 2024 MLB Miami Marlins at Rondipo Park in Miami, Florida on the 11th and made 2 hits, 1 RBI and 1 walk in 3 at-bats.
He produced hits in two consecutive games, and achieved multi hits in nine games after a game against the Baltimore Orioles on April 29. His batting average for this season increased from 0.223 to 0.227.
Kim Ha-sung, who took his first hit in the second inning with two outs and no runners, kicked up starter Roderi Munoz's sinker, but was out by a fly ball to center field.
However, he made a hit from the next at-bat.
He hit Munoz's fastball with one out and a runner on the second base in the fourth inning, and hit a timely RBI. With runners on the first base and no outs in the seventh inning, he garnered a hit to the right and scored thanks to stellar performance by subsequent hitters.
Kim Ha-sung succeeded in a sacrifice bunt with no outs and a runner on the second base in the eighth inning, and managed to get on base again by drawing a walk in the 10th inning. However, he failed to score a run due to a failed follow-up hit this time.
San Diego 66-52 won 9-8 after a close game going into the 10th inning, whistling for its seventh consecutive victory.
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