Quelle chaise de camping choisir ?

Hello !

D'ici un mois ma femme et moi avons prévu de partir en camping en Lozère, auriez vous une chaise de camping pas trop chère et de qualité a nous conseiller ? Je pèse 85kg et ma femme 56kg.

Merci d'avance !

2 Réponses



That sounds like a fun camping trip! For an inexpensive yet quality camping chair that can support both your weight (85kg) and your wife's weight (56kg), I recommend checking out the "KingCamp Low Sling Beach Chair." It's sturdy, durable, and designed to hold up to 136kg, so it should comfortably accommodate both of you. Plus, it's lightweight and easy to transport, making it perfect for camping adventures. Enjoy your trip to Lozère!

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