Recours pour refus de visa


2 Réponses

Ce qui t’arrive est vraiment navrant mais cela arrive souvent. Tu trouveras un modèle lettre sur ce lien, Tu n’aura qu’à l’adapter à ta situation.


Bonne chance. 

I’ve always had a passion for travel. Last summer, I explored the beautiful landscapes of Italy and Spain, soaking in the culture and food. After returning, I felt an urge to settle down in one of these amazing countries. That’s when I learned about the Spain Residence by Investment program - I connected with a consultancy that guided me through the process of finding the right property to meet the investment requirements. They were incredibly helpful in navigating the paperwork, and the entire experience was smooth. Now, I’m living in a vibrant Spanish city, enjoying life like a local while having a fantastic investment opportunity.

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